Meditation course in English

We are starting on September 25th!

Please register before coming for the first time.

Meditation by the method of Sahaja Yoga is a simple and effective way to balance mind, body and soul. It can be learned easily, without any special requirements and it does not involve physical exercises. Our starting point is the awakening of our inner maternal power, the Kundalini.

The awakening of this power (Self-Realization) helps us to reach the state of a quiet and yet alert mind. It also allows us to evolve all the qualities that our energy centers (chakras) hold inside, if we so wish.
To try out this relaxing meditation, join us anytime either for a single class or a series of lectures.
The course is for free and any donations will be used for the running costs of the meditation center. Please contact us before coming for the first time.

Where: Sahaja Yoga meditation center, 32 Cejl street

When: on Wednesdays at 6.00 PM

Notice: if you find the gate closed call us on 604.944.319 / 792.303.303 to let you in (we do not answer the call, just open the gate)

Registration: or mob.  792.303.303 (Alex)

The course will include the practice of meditation, learning about the chakras and how to keep them balanced, video speeches of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the original teacher of Sahaja Yoga, and more.

It is suitable for all who would like to experience benefits such as relief from daily stress, balanced energy, better health, a more peaceful and joyous mind and a deeper understanding of our purpose in life. Everyone is welcome, whether a total beginner or experienced in the field of meditation.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

More information about meditation by the method of Sahaja Yoga in English:

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